DomainKeys, DKIM, SPF, SpamAssassin Email Validator Now you can quickly view your DomainKeys, DKIM, and SPF validitay, and SpamAssassin score in one place. Just send an email to any address @www.brandonchecketts.com. Then check here to see the results.
Check a published DKIM Core Key
Web rozhraní k DIGu někde v US. Hodí se k testování DNS.
The DNSSEC Analyzer from VeriSign Labs is an on-line tool to assist with diagnosing problems with DNSSEC-signed names and zones.
DNSViz is a tool for visualizing the status of a DNS zone. It was designed as a resource for understanding and troubleshooting deployment of the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). It provides a visual analysis of the DNSSEC authentication chain for a domain name.
The test is based on standard pattern known as "Eicar test virus Standard Anti-Virus Test File"
Free online network tools, including traceroute, nslookup, dig, whois, ping, and our own Domain Dossier and Email Dossier. Works with IPv6. Some source code included.
My IP Address Lookup and GeoTargeting information
Test your network links with iperf. Iperf is a tool to measure the bandwidth and the quality of a network link.
Pro ty, kdo neumějí spočítat netmask z hlavy :-)
DNS and Network troubleshooting and diagnostic tools integrated into one sweet interface.
This free online service performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet. Please note that the information you submit here is used only to provide you the service. We don't use the domain names or the test results, and we never will.
Na této stránce můžete testovat všechny čtyři podstatné funkce pracující v Javascriptu s regulárními výrazy
Why did SPF cause my mail to be rejected? This web page is a public service of the SPF project. SPF implementations can (and do) use it to help explain the results of SPF checks by presenting to users a parameterized link to this page.
All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool. Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name. Links in the results will guide you to other relevant tools and information. And you'll have a chronological history of your results.
Test DKIM, DomainKeys, SPF - Online. Send mail to the special email address and get the results.
V následujícím formuláři zvolte dodatečné testy, které chcete u domény provést, opište kód z obrázku (slouží jako ochrana pro zneužití formuláře automatizovanými systémy) a klikněte na tlačítko provést test
An easy way to test your RewriteRules. Makes debugging Apache mod_rewrite rules easier. This tool lets you write and test your rewrite rules for Apache's mod_rewrite on-the-fly.
Simple way to test zone transfers without setting up a nameserver on a remote host with dig or nslookup
Test konfigurace DNS + otestování správnosti.
Procmail is a program available on all ACS machines which allows you to automatically process your email as it arrives into your account. You can sort, delete, forward, and store messages depending on their sender, their subject, or other characteristics. For example, you could have Procmail direct all messages from your friend at UC Berkeley into a folder called "berkeley". You could then read the messages in this folder at your leisure via webmail, or with Pine, Mutt, or another full-featured e-mail reader.
This article will show you how to read your email using Command Prompt (Windows), Terminal (Mac/Gnome), or Konsole (KDE). Using the Telnet client, you can read your emails through command-line entries. Here are the steps for getting connected and reading your emails through the IMAP protocol.
RulesDuJour is a bash script intended to automatically download new versions of SpamAssassin rulesets as the authors release new versions.
Generate DNS TLSA resource record from a certificate and given parameters.
Potřebujete vyměnit disk na linuxovém stroji? Těchto pár rad Vám prozradí jak na to.
Velmi rozsáhlá sbírka podrobných návodů jak instalovat a upgradovat Slackware linux
Přesměrování a třídění elektronické pošty pomocí procmailu
To quickly test an imap server using telnet use:
Podrobný návod na instalaci Sendmailu s podporou TSL a SASL
This book is designed to get you started with the Slackware Linux operating system. It's not meant to cover every single aspect of the distribution, but rather to show what it is capable of and give you a basic working knowledge of the system.
Although there already is an abundance of procmail material on the net, here are some of my own tips and observations. This tips page is a companion of my Foiling Spam with an Email Password System page. The items on this page are in no particular order.
List of unsupported configuration changes at Synology NASstation
The setup I have is a bastion host in a DMZ and an internal mail hub. The bastion host receives incoming mail from the Internet and relays it to the internal mail hub. It also receives outgoing mail from the mail hub and delivers it to the appropriate destination host. I did this using Sendmail 8.11.x, but it should be fairly easy to use these instructions on any 8.10+ version. by Jason Heiss
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup
Online GDB is online compiler and debugger for C/C++. You can compile, run and debug code with gdb online. Using gcc/g++ as compiler and gdb as debugger. Currently C and C++ languages are supported.
Here you can test several functions of the programming language PHP online. But not only native PHP functions could be used.
This article was posted on Delphi 3000, and looked so usefull for future reference. Please note this article was authored by Mike Heydon (mheydon at pgbison.co.za). + Delphi source code
How OE stores your Contacts, The standalone WAB and Multiple WABs, Network issues with WAB, Sharing the Contacts folder in Outlook
Rozasáhlý archiv učebnic programování nejen pod linuxem. Doporučuji rozklikat adresářovou strukturu :o)
Online PHP functions - String, Hash, Encode, Math, Date, URL, IP and File path functions.
There are a lot of samples of URL encoder on Internet, but I find no one URL encoder which I can specify a destination charset for the URL encoded data. I'm working in Czech, so many times I need URL encode to windows-1250 or iso-8859-2 charsets. Within this sample, you can specify any characters in Unicode (utf-8) and destination charset and you will receive the unicode data URL Encoded.
In order to configure TCP/IP settings such as the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS and WINS addresses and many other options you can use Netsh.exe.
Let’s see manual configuring Windows Firewall using GUI and using command line. Possibilities of configuring Windows Firewall from command line are identical possibilities of configuring from GUI.
Linux Packet Filtering and iptables by Oskar Andreasson
Netshadvfirewall is a command-line tool for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security that helps with the creation, administration, and monitoring of Windows Firewall and IPsec settings and provides an alternative to console-based management. This can be useful in the following situations...
Reconnect to SMB/CIFS Share as a Different User in Windows 2000/XP
Jak zprovoznit SNMP na WinXP, aneb kdo si má pořád pamatovat kam kliknout.
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) enables a Windows computer to share its Internet connection with computers on local area networks. It's been around since Windows 98 SE, and with the launch of Windows XP, it's only gotten better.
S poměrně vysokou jistotou mohu konstatovat, že tento postup není v souladu s licenční smlouvou k WinXP. Takže pak neříkejte, že jsem vás nevaroval :-)
Welcome to free Web tools to get start our free and best tools on Internet for your website promotion. Which includes Google, yahoo, MSN and many more tools...
How to add a print button to the toolbar of the Roundcube webmail client. The following instructions are based on Roundcube version 0.5.1 with default skin, but likely apply to other versions as well.
Přehled kódů barev (RGB, HTML) pro zařízení s 256 barvami
Preview how your link will look in a Bluesky post.
CAA is a type of DNS record that lets you control which certificate authorities can issue certificates for your domain. Enter your domain name, check off the certificate authorities that you authorize, and publish the generated DNS records. You can separately authorize the ability to issue wildcard and non-wildcard certificates.
Compress JPEG images and photos for displaying on web pages, sharing on social networks or sending by email.
Icons from the Crystal Clear icon set by Everaldo Coelho. – The icons are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). All images' real size is 128px.
Open source scripts to detect mobile browsers and phones using Apache, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, C#, .NET, Python, JSP and Rails.
The Google Analytics tracking API consists of two global objects; _gat for standard tracking and _gaq for asynchronous tracking. Both of these global objects contain methods for creating tracker objects. Tracker objects are used to track your pages and they have many methods to configure how that tracking will work.
Google Maps has a wide array of APIs that let you embed the robust functionality and everyday usefulness of Google Maps into your own website and applications, and overlay your own data on top of them. The Maps API is a free service, available for any web site that is free to consumers.
This tool lets you test web pages that are directly accessible as an URL from the Internet.
Informace pro webmastery jak na vyhledávače, crawlery, spidery a různe web roboty.
UITest.com – Validators, Checkers, Generators, and Tools for Web Design and Development
Smush.it uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.
Počasí, satelitní a radarové snímky CHMI
Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.
Předpovědní mapy zobrazují výsledky získané pomocí numerického předpovědního modelu Aladin (výpočetní sít má krok 4,7 km).
Meteogram je tvořen pomocí dat z nejbližšího uzlového bodu numerického předpovědního modelu Aladin k danému městu. Současná výpočetní síť modelu Aladin má krok 4,7 km.
Na FBI je instalována meteorologická stanice VantagePro2+ firmy DAVIS. Stanice sleduje rychlost a směr větru, teplotu a vlhkost ve výšce 2 m nad zemí a ve výšce 0,6 m nad zemí (teplota2 a vlhkost2), UV záření, solární radiaci a srážky.
Počasí ve světě
Speciální předpověď počasí pro surfaře. Předpovědi větru a počasí podle meteorologických modelů pro jakékoliv místo na Zemi.
You can produce maps in the forms described below for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location. If you enter the orbital elements of an asteroid or comet, Your Sky will compute its current position and plot it on the map.
Aktuální venovní a vnitřní teploty nameřené v Praze 8. V tuto chvíli jsou k ASUSu přes 1-Wire sběrnici připojeny dva teploměry DS18B20 a jeden DS18S20.